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Complete Explanation:
Another Whig campaign satire, picturing incumbent Martin Van Buren and his Democratic advisers or "Kitchen Cabinet" routed by Whig candidate William Henry Harrison. In a domestic kitchen Harrison, dressed as a scullery maid, raises a "buttermilk dasher" against a party of fleeing Democrats. The fugitives are (left to right, standing): Secretary of War Joel Poinsett, Postmaster General Amos Kendall, Washington "Globe" editor Francis Preston Blair (arms outstretched, looking left), Secretary of State John Forsyth, John Calhoun, Levi Woodbury, and Van Buren. Thomas Hart Benton (left) and Alabama Representative Dixon H. Lewis, a States Rights Democrat, have fallen to the floor.

Harrison: "Gentlemen as you don't like hard Cider I will give you a taste of the Buttermilk Dasher."

Van Buren: "This is worse than the Rebellion in Vermount!"

Poinsett: "If you had followed my advice we would have had by this time our Standing Army of 200,000 men."

Blair: "I shall leave the Globe!"

Forsyth: "I shall never be Vice President."

Calhoun: "I am for the South direct."

Woodbury: "I can issue no more Treasury Notes!"

On the far left a bespectacled man with plaited hair (Pennsylvania Democratic congressman David Petrikin) holds up his hand and says, "I object." The man lamenting his lost hopes for the vice presidency has been previously identified as Alabama Senator William Smith. Yet comparison of the likeness here with Charles Fenderich's 1840 lithographed portrait of Secretary of State John Forsyth confirms identification of the man as that cabinet member. The print is most probably by Napoleon Sarony, showing the same distinctive, patterned cross-hatching and broad crayon-work as his "The New Era or the Effects of a Standing Army "(no. 1840-3).

"Clar de Kitchen" was the title of a popular dance song of Negro minstrel comic T. D. Rice.

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